Marketing Data

[Case Study] 3 Types of Interactive Case-Based Content That Drive Incredible Conversions

May 26, 2022
3 min

Love case-based content? Love market data? Love leads? Great news—there’s a way to combine all of them with interactive case-based clinical content! Even better news—the Brief Media audience loves this content too. Veterinarians really have fun testing their knowledge. The quizzes in our daily newsletters get huge engagement. Interactive case-based content allows your brand to […]

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Stop Guessing and Start Giving Prospects What They Want

March 1, 2022
3 min

Does reaching prospects feel like a guessing game that leaves you with messaging that just doesn’t land with your audience? Those failed marketing campaigns cost time and money and result in missed opportunities that are impossible to quantify. To add to the confusion: today’s veterinary industry marketers are finding it harder than ever to know what […]

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Quantity vs. Quality: Settling the Age-Old Debate on Email Marketing

November 1, 2021
4 min

Everyone has a different philosophy on the best way to do email. But how do you settle into the right strategy for your brand? Get our top tips for email marketing in the veterinary space.

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How to Use Gated Content to Collect First-Party Data

October 15, 2020
3 min

In January 2020, Google announced it would be following suit with Safari and Firefox to phase out third-party cookies by 2022. Since that announcement, marketers in every industry have seen the value of collecting first-party data. This type of data is the most difficult to collect but offers the most quality and most utility because […]

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How the End of Third-Party Cookies Will Impact Veterinary Marketers

October 15, 2020
3 min

As concerns surge about digital privacy, users push for tighter restrictions on data tracking. Let's take a look at what third-party cookies actually are and how their demise will impact you as an advertiser.

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Looking Back: How to Evaluate Your 2020 Marketing Strategy

September 28, 2020
3 min

Planning next year's marketing strategy? Amid the uncertainty of 2020, finding a blueprint for success is tricky. Guide your 2021 strategy with these tips.

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What Is First-Party Data?

August 20, 2020
3 min

Not all data is created equal. Find out where your data comes from—and which source is most effective for campaign success.

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6 Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to Watch in Paid Advertising

August 13, 2020
3 min

When you’re leveraging paid advertising, do you know which KPIs are most important? Measure your success with these 6 indicators.

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Educational Campaign Helps Company Control a Narrow Conversation [Case Study]

July 8, 2020
2 min

Digital capabilities are expanding horizons for B2B companies in the veterinary industry, enabling them to employ a B2B2C campaign structure to own conversations with both veterinarians and pet owners in a 360-degree manner. These web-based campaigns are less expensive than the direct-mail approach for B2B2C campaigns of the past, resulting in wider adoption in our […]

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