B2b Marketing

Why Veterinary Podcasts Are So Popular

September 3, 2020
2 min

Veterinary podcasts are becoming increasingly popular. Find out why they have so much appeal in the veterinary market—and how you can leverage them for your brand.

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Educational Campaign Helps Company Control a Narrow Conversation [Case Study]

July 8, 2020
2 min

Digital capabilities are expanding horizons for B2B companies in the veterinary industry, enabling them to employ a B2B2C campaign structure to own conversations with both veterinarians and pet owners in a 360-degree manner. These web-based campaigns are less expensive than the direct-mail approach for B2B2C campaigns of the past, resulting in wider adoption in our […]

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The Ultimate Guide to Marketing Terms

June 8, 2020
13 min

Welcome to your ultimate guide to marketing acronyms, concepts, and trends. Marketing and advertising terms are constantly evolving as technology brings us new ways to reach prospects, deliver content, and automate our efforts. In this guide, you’ll find definitions and examples for everything from APIs to behavioral targeting, and more. You’ll want to bookmark this […]

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The Do’s and Don’ts of Retargeting

June 5, 2020
4 min

Remarketing can be a powerful component of a B2B marketing strategy. Get started with these 10 do's and don'ts for remarketing to veterinary professionals.

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Why Veterinary B2B Marketers Should Refocus on Customer Experience

May 21, 2020
4 min

Customer experience, account-based marketing, and omnichannel experiences—what's it all mean for the modern veterinary B2B marketer? Get the breakdown here.

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