Industry Insights

Expert Tips for Strategy, Marketing, and Sales Teams

Get practical guidance for strategizing and executing veterinary marketing campaigns that earn the trust and attention of discerning veterinarians.

Anatomy of a Facebook Ad

March 19, 2021
3 min

Ready to start creating a Facebook ad? We’re here for you. Brush up on what you need to know to get started with Facebook Ads Manager. The Basics of Facebook Ads Manager Let’s quickly run through the structure of advertising in Facebook Ads Manager before we dive into the anatomy of the ad itself. Using First-Party […]

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5 Ways to Amp Up Your Veterinary Lead Generation with Facebook Ads

March 19, 2021
4 min

5 Ways to generate veterinary professional leads using the Facebook Ad Manager, Facebook Pixel and perhaps even a media partner.

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5 New Strategies for Virtual Sales in the Veterinary Industry

March 3, 2021
3 min

Virtual sales is here to stay. We've got 5 ways to align sales and marketing and maximize your sales team's time and enegy in the new normal.

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4 Virtual Events That Are Successful in the Veterinary Industry

March 3, 2021
5 min

Ah, virtual events. We know them well by now. The last year, we’ve seen many virtual events, from endless Zoom meetings and conferences gone digital to educational seminars converted to webinars. And just as “necessity is the mother of invention,” our industry has risen to the occasion. We’ve made great strides in adapting to new […]

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What's a Good Cost Per Lead?

February 18, 2021
3 min

Is it found in the breakdown by Industry or by Channel or some other benchmark altogether? Know what's good and not so good when it comes to cost per lead.

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Let Cost Per Lead Be Your Guide

February 18, 2021
6 min

Level the playing field with cost per lead evaluations. Learn how to make the right comparisons to come to the best media buys for your campaign.

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3 Common ROI Attribution Models

February 5, 2021
3 min

ROI attribution models come in many forms. Learn the pros and cons of the three models commonly used by marketers: first, last, and multi-touch attribution.

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5 Tips for Optimizing Your CRM to Improve Your Bottom Line

February 5, 2021
3 min

Well-integrated customer relationship management software, or CRM for short, can help propel your business to new levels. Optimizing your CRM to connect the dots and reduce friction between sales and marketing is a major plus. In addition, optimizing your CRM helps align an organization with the achievement of common business objectives. There are many benefits to […]

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[Case Study] It’s a Match: Lead ID Improves Campaign ROI

January 21, 2021
2 min

One advertiser reaches new prospects, scores fresh qualified leads and boosts campaign results with Brief Media’s Data Match.

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10 Veterinary Marketing Projects to Tackle Today That Will Pay Off Later

January 7, 2021
4 min

Busy lives inevitably lead to a handful of projects that never make it to the top of the to-do list. Until now. Current Covid-19 restrictions have created a rare lull in live veterinary events and conferences; they’re all on pause until June 2021. The temptation to hibernate is real, but it won’t help you reach […]

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Our Favorite Animal Influencers on Instagram

December 22, 2020
3 min

Spend any time on social media and you’ll hear the term “instafamous.” This portmanteau—a combination of Instagram and famous—is reserved for personas (animal, vegetable, or mineral) with large Instagram followings. Their extreme popularity makes them natural social influencers. And many do cash in, promoting brands and endorsing products through their Instagram accounts. Is a partnership […]

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10 Best Zoom Meetings (With Pets) of 2020

December 22, 2020
2 min

We saw it all in 2020, including the good, the bad, and the ugly of Zoom meetings. In honor of the year of working from home and our new love-hate relationship with teleconferencing (and our undying love for animals), we’ve pulled together our favorite Zoom meetings where pets stole the show and gave us some […]

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Ideas for Generating Veterinary Leads in 2021

December 17, 2020
3 min

Let’s talk 2021realities: Despite our hopes for a return to normalcy, complete with the veterinary industry events we’ve come to rely on, we now know that won’t be the case. Several organizations, including VMX, Austin Vet, DC Vet, Fetch Indianapolis, and ACVIM have pushed their major events to June 2021. So, that’s that. Shall we pivot to […]

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[Case Study] Topic-Focused Campaign Engages Veterinary Audience

December 10, 2020
2 min

Looking to increase your engagement and convert more leads? See how this brand used targeted, topic-focused clinical content to engage valuable veterinary leads.

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10 Theme Ideas to Inspire Your Next Educational Marketing Campaign

December 10, 2020
2 min

Themed content can help foster high engagement for your veterinary audience. Use this list to get started building your content library.

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Marketing Automation: A Glossary of Terms

December 9, 2020
3 min

Ready to learn the language of marketing automation? It’s easy to get lost in the lingo when you’re getting started with marketing automation. Get familiar with these common terms and soon you’ll be speaking the language of automation like an old marketing pro.   The Many Names for Automation First and foremost, let’s address the various […]

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[Case Study] Educational Marketing Campaign Sees High Engagement

December 7, 2020
2 min

There’s real value in creating an educational marketing campaign. And more value can be had with a multi-step automated nurturing program. This case study explores a successful campaign that provided a broad core education with narrow value-add offers. It returned both high open and click-through rates and reinforces the value of educational content in nurturing […]

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11 Criteria for Behavioral Segmentation

December 2, 2020
3 min

You’re ready to build your first behavioral-targeted audience, but what criteria should you use for behavioral segmentation? Here are 11 ways to leverage your data to find the perfect target audience. 1. Website Visits Gauge how often a user is visiting your site and target based on frequency. For example, run a reactivation campaign to […]

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Boost Your Marketing with Behavioral Targeting

December 2, 2020
3 min

Most marketers are familiar with gathering demographic data in order to reach a prospect audience. And many marketers are effectively harnessing demographic data, such as job title, geography, and academic certifications, to target sub-sets of their in-house database with pointed messaging. Demographic data is great and can certainly help in reaching the right audience, but […]

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10 Staff Holiday Celebration Ideas

November 24, 2020
3 min

Not in the office? Doesn't mean you can't celebrate. Try these 10 creative ideas to show your team how much you care with a virtual staff holiday.

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11 Staff Gift Ideas to Make Your Team Feel Appreciated

November 24, 2020
2 min

This year has been a rough one, and we're all looking for ways to show our teams extra appreciation. Get in the holiday spirit with these staff gift ideas.

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The Value of Doubling Down on Engagement [Case Study]

November 19, 2020
2 min

Using education to drive engagement? This case study will show you why you should double down with those who engage with your educational messages and resources.

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10 Tips for Mapping Your Customer Journey

November 19, 2020
3 min

It’s a long road from product awareness to sales conversion, which is probably why it’s called a journey. Mapping your customer journey from start to sale (and beyond) can reveal opportunities to fine-tune your buying funnel. Understanding your customer’s journey is the first step if you’re just diving into lead nurturing or content marketing programs. […]

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