Case Study: How This Lead Nurturing Program Converted 28% of Its Leads

May 29, 2020
4 min

Generating sales-ready leads through digital programs is an essential component of the veterinary industry marketer’s strategy. Conference cancelations have removed a major channel from the marketing mix that many of us relied on for lead acquisition. A strong lead nurturing program is a key tool within these new lead acquisition strategies.

In response to these digital marketing needs, the Brief Media team has created a suite of digital marketing solutions in a new program: OnPoint. This program follows a proven success formula:

  • Segment the right target audience
  • Engage with an enticing lead magnet
  • Serve messaging on the digital channels where the target spends time
  • Network on social channels
  • Nurture with timely and relevant content
  • Convert sales-ready leads

OnPoint digital marketing solutions leverage 5 core offers:

  • Segment a target audience with the OnPoint Audience Intelligence Database, powered by the Brief Gateway.
  • Engage with prospects through the OnPoint Target email marketing program, which optimizes engagement through a 3-email sequence designed to maximize opens.
  • Serve retargeting ads with the OnPoint Extend program across multiple retargeting platforms, including off-site network impressions.
  • Network with targets through OnPoint Social.
  • Nurture leads through the information gathering process with the OnPoint LeadScale program.

We prepared this case study to show you how Plumb’s Veterinary Drugs leveraged the OnPoint Audience Intelligence Database combined with OnPoint Target and OnPoint LeadScale programs to generate actionable leads in two target audiences.

Plumb’s Veterinary Drugs Case Study


Plumb’s Veterinary Drugs is the #1 drug resource for veterinarians to access daily drug and dosing information. The digital platform is always up-to-date with the most current drug information. Plumb’s provides veterinarians with instant access to drug information across multiple digital devices within the clinic. In addition, subscribers can access printable Veterinary Medication Guides that help pet owners confidently care for their pets at home.

Campaign Goals

  • Generate awareness of the digital version of the Plumb’s Veterinary Drug Handbook
  • Prove value and convenience of Plumb’s Veterinary Drugs digital platform
  • Generate awareness of the printable Veterinary Medication Guides for pet owners
  • Highlight key differentiator of Plumb’s Veterinary Drugs
  • Drive demand for Plumb’s Veterinary Drugs subscription

Campaign Strategy

  • Engage with target audiences on the media channels they are most comfortable with, ultimately seeking to take the long-term conversation online
  • Generate awareness of the digital tools in Plumb’s Veterinary Drugs and the unique features of the digital platform
  • Deliver supporting evidence of additional value in the digital platform to prove why Plumb’s Veterinary Drugs is an essential tool in veterinary practice

Targeting Strategy

The campaign was targeted to two specific audiences within the veterinary market. These segments were selected based on their level of need for the product.

Veterinarians in California

At the time of the campaign, California had just passed legislation requiring veterinarians to counsel pet owners about any newly prescribed outpatient drugs. Plumb’s Veterinary Medication Guides were a clear solution to this new challenge.

Practice owners, managers, and veterinarians in Canada with valid mailing addresses

Veterinarians in Canada are required to keep a veterinary drug reference on hand. Most Canadian veterinarians were using the printed Plumb’s Veterinary Drug Handbook. As a result, many were unaware of the digital version and the additional features it offered.

Lead Magnet

We provided a free, downloadable Veterinary Medication Guide as our lead magnet.

Most veterinarians at the time were unaware of Veterinary Medication Guides. Regardless, these guides are a high-value feature of Plumb’s and set it apart from competition. The combination of an in-demand feature and lack of awareness of its existence made the sample guides an ideal lead magnet.

Ultimately, the nurturing sequences for the two target audiences were different. However, the single lead magnet provided the right value proposition for both segments.

For the California target, the campaign highlighted the value of Veterinary Medication Guides as a tool to help veterinarians comply with the new state legislation. Meanwhile, the Canadian campaign focused on the availability of easily accessible, always current drug information, delivered via the digital platform. The Veterinary Medication Guides worked well here as a proof.

Strategic Promotion & OnPoint LeadScale Nurturing Journeys

Audience 1: California Veterinarians
  • OnPoint Audience Intelligence Database: Segmented the target audience
  • OnPoint Target: Engaged the target audience with an email highlighting the downloadable Veterinary Medication Guides lead magnet
  • OnPoint LeadScale
    • Used high-impact digital ads on and native digital ads in the Clinician’s Brief email newsletter to drive additional leads to the top of funnel nurturing program
    • Launched an automated 3-email nurturing series designed to provide prospects with value-adding content, telling the comprehensive story about why Plumb’s Veterinary Drugs, and specifically the Veterinary Medication Guides, were of value to veterinarians in California
Audience 2: Canadian Practice Owners, Managers, and Veterinarians with a Valid Mailing Address
  • OnPoint Audience Intelligence Database: Segmented the target audience
  • Direct Mail: Leveraged a direct mail strategy as a first campaign touch. This audience was engaging with the printed version of Plumb’s Veterinary Drugs. Therefore, they were more accustomed to interacting with the brand in a printed medium. The printed mailer contained a digital call to action to drive online behavior.
  • Email: Engaged the target audience with a follow-up email highlighting the digital version of Plumb’s Veterinary Drugs. The downloadable Veterinary Medication Guides served as the lead magnet. The goal with the email was to move the print-based conversation online.
  • OnPoint LeadScale: Launched an automated 3-email nurturing series that showed prospects the features and benefits of Plumb’s Veterinary Drugs

Campaign Outcomes

Campaign Optimization Next Steps

Three months later, we optimized the California campaign. Based on our data analysis, we improved the landing page and email promotions. Promotional efforts resumed to continue lead generation. This content update was not time-intensive and allowed Plumb’s to get more life out of an existing campaign.

Learn More About OnPoint Digital Programs

To learn more about our new OnPoint Digital Programs, reach out to our team for a one-on-one consultation.