4 Marketing Podcasts Every Veterinary Marketer Should Be Listening To

September 3, 2020
2 min

Keeping up with the latest trends in marketing is crucial. But if you’re anything like us, you’re strapped for time. So this week, we’re bringing you a handpicked list of our 4 favorite marketing podcasts—for your drive, your morning jog, or whenever you have a moment to listen. These podcasts will help you get inspired and keep your marketing mix fresh and effective. We’ve included a favorite episode of each podcast to get you started. Happy listening!

Social Pros Podcast

Hosted by Jay Baer from Convince & Convert and Adam Brown from Salesforce

This podcast focuses on social media strategy across different industries and all social platforms. Each episode features a different guest, who talks about their use of social media as part of their overall marketing strategy. Topics range from influencer marketing to artificial intelligence, customer service, and innovation.

Start with this episode on the 6 top social media trends in 2020.

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Marketing Over Coffee

Hosted by John J. Wall and Christopher S. Penn

The name really says it all. This is a great podcast to enjoy over a cup of coffee or on a quick drive. Marketing Over Coffee covers a broad cross section of marketing topics (yes, even the old-school stuff). If you’re new to marketing podcasts, this one is a great starting point, as it isn’t stuffed with unfamiliar buzzwords. (However, if you need a hand with marketing buzzwords, we have a glossary for that.)

Start with this special interview with Simon Sinek, author of Start with Why.

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Mike Dillard Podcast

Hosted by Mike Dillard

While this podcast has an entrepreneurial angle, it covers a lot of marketing topics. Get out of the marketing podcast rut and switch things up with an episode of the Mike Dillard Podcast.  In 2020, we’re all being forced to innovate in ways we never imagined. This podcast will get your creative juices flowing.

Start with this episode on choosing the right business model, featuring James Schramko.

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Content Inc.

Hosted by Joe Pulizzi

The Content Marketing Institute, which Joe Pulizzi founded, publishes this great podcast on all things content marketing. Joe has won numerous awards and written best-selling marketing books such as Epic Content Marketing: How to Tell a Different Story. Tune in for tips that you can translate into action tomorrow.

Start with this episode on the 3 keys to a great content marketing mission.

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We hope you enjoy these marketing podcasts. Have a favorite we missed? Let us know in the comments below. And if you’re just diving into podcasts, check out our post on why veterinary podcasts are so popular—and how to leverage them for your brand.