Industry Insights

Why Team-Based Learning Is a Win for Veterinary Teams (And For You)

June 2, 2023
2 min

Individual learning is great. But team-based learning is better for veterinary teams. See how to create materials that support the whole care team.

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6 Ways to Market to Pet Owners via the Veterinarian

May 1, 2023
4 min

Would you like to market to pet owners, but your budget doesn’t allow for pricey direct-to-consumer campaigns? You’re far from out of options! We’ve got 6 creative ways to market to pet owners that help veterinarians and save you the million-dollar TV ad spots. But first, let’s set the stage. If there’s one thing to […]

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9 Ideas for Interactive Content That Converts

March 28, 2023
3 min

Static content can work well, but interactive content can often work better at catching the eyes of your audience. More than 80% of marketers surveyed by the Content Marketing Institute agreed. And honestly, we can’t disagree either. Add the fact that veterinarians love quizzes, comments, and contests, and you have a strong case for creating […]

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No Lead Left Behind: 8 Tips for Following Up with Veterinary Conference Leads

February 22, 2023
3 min

Congrats! You did it. You made it through the two biggest conferences of the year. Now comes the fun part: turning the sea of veterinary conference leads you gathered into sales-ready opportunities. Use these tips to make sure they all get a world-class follow-up. 1. Identify where each lead is in your funnel. Review and […]

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Make the Most of Your Conference Content After the Show Is Over

January 20, 2023
3 min

We know you’re hustling like Buzz Lightyear preparing for a visit from Star Command, creating your 2023 conference content. But do you know what you’ll do with it after the pallets have gone home? After the hype of Mickey and the dazzle of Vegas have faded? Do you close the curtain on the content you […]

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If a Picture Is Worth 1,000 Words… What About a Video?

January 5, 2023
3 min

It’s 2023 and content is still king, but he’s probably dancing on TikTok, posting an Instagram reel, or running a series of short videos on YouTube. In other words, he can’t get enough video! And neither can we. While pictures, infographics, webinars, and articles will always have their place, video is the popular new kid […]

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Accelerate Your Message with Brief Media: How to Guide Critical Clinical Decision-Making in 2023

December 6, 2022
5 min

Raise your hand if you were in the vet med scene in the early 2000s. Is your hand up? Ours too. If not, welcome to the industry! We’ve got some great insights to get you up to speed.  We’ve proudly participated in an incredible evolution of the veterinary industry. Spoiler alert: The resources, tools, and processes […]

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9 Lives of a CE Webinar

October 18, 2022
3 min

You believe in the marketing power of CE webinars. And you believe in the value of repurposing content. Now, would a little inspiration be helpful? Say no more! You can squeeze 9 different content formats out of just one CE webinar. Here’s how. Before you pick content formats, take a look at what one veterinary marketer learned about […]

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The Who, What, Where, and When of Audience Segmentation

September 23, 2022
4 min

Whether you’re casting a wide net or targeting a smaller group, audience segmentation should be part of the conversation.  We explored audience segmentation in our post, Quantity vs. Quality: Settling the Age-Old Debate on Email Marketing, in case you want to refresh your knowledge before diving into the finer details.  Let’s start by taking a look […]

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